Its been like an aeon since i wrote something here. A small vacation you could call it. Anyways, i thought i'd put this up after reading an article on the internet which quite amazed me. It said that a normal commuter in urban cities could spend up to 2 weeks in traffic every year. That is 14 days of your year spent in waiting for the car in front of you to move. Also, the cost of traffic around the world in the year 2006 was estimated to be $90 billion. That is, not counting the environmental pollution and damage to human health. The obvious solution for this would be to widen roads so that traffic could move more smoothly. Research says that contrary to this belief, widening roads would do no help in removing traffic congestion as it would result in more cars using the road which would cause heavier traffic. And the situation seems to be getting worse as more and more cars flood roads everyday. Now this was the interesting part. The article had a list of cities which vied for the world's worst traffic. In the list were 3 indian cities, including our very own chennai. The list is....
Los Angeles, USA
Bangkok, Thailand
Beijing, China
Washinton D.C., USA
Dubai, UAE
Cairo, Egypt
Mumbai, India
Calcutta, India
Chennai, India
San Francisco, USA
Jakarta, Indonesia
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Shanghai, China

Most of the traffic in indian and chinese cities is said to be due to the two-wheelers weaving through larger vehicles.
Chennai is on the world stage. I feel so proud....
lol ya i am proud least in this we are ahead of other countries zZ:)
amazing....seriously...i'm not surprised..
nice post man..sad for the city tho..
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